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Now That Church is Over:  An Introduction to Making Disciples

Indianapolis Workshop - April 30/May 1


Once a year, I like to host this event for free as a gift to disciples in my community.  I would love for you to join me as we explore not only how you can make disciples, but also how to help people in your church take advantage of the everyday opportunities Jesus gives us to step out of fear and walk in faith.  Since this is a workshop on how to make disciples, I want to encourage you to attend with a someone you are in an active discipleship relationship with.  You'll get more out of it that way.

- Weston

When:  Friday, April 30:  6-9pm

             Saturday, May 1:  8am-12:30pm               


Where:  Red Barn - Duke Farms                             

               4300 N. Rd. 725 W.                      

               Bargersville, IN 46106                        


Cost:  Free    


For a full workshop description, click HERE                                                        


To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

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