During my senior year, my youth pastor was adamant that I was going to go into full time ministry. Each week, he would tell me about the local Christian college and all the reasons I should go there. But I didn’t want to be a pastor. I just couldn’t see myself as a professional religious person. I wanted to play professional baseball, or at least get a job in professional sports if that didn’t work out. But my youth pastor was persistent, and midway through the semester, in an effort to get him to leave me alone, I said,
“Look, I don’t want to be a pastor. I love sports. So if God wants to use me to serve Him through sports in some way, He'll find a way to do it. So stop asking!”
Well, God must have a sense of humor because that’s exactly what He did. I played one year of college baseball, found out how good I wasn’t, graduated with a sport management degree determined to make a career in professional sports, and ended up working 13 years in sports ministry with two local churches. In that time, God revealed the passion He planted in me for discipleship that my youth pastor saw so many years ago, and I now coach people to fulfill the Great Commission.
Here’s why this blog exists. Making disciples is a command and a privilege Jesus gives to everyone who follows Him, but so many of us have bought into the lie that it is something reserved for professionals and the spiritual elite.
We forget that the first people He gave this command to were fishermen, tax collectors, and uneducated men...just like you and me.
Through this blog, I hope to do three things:
Share stories of regular people who are making disciples through everyday, ordinary, spiritual means.
Teach simple disciple-making principles that every follower of Jesus can do.
Occasionally highlight the ways our coaching services can help you grow as a disciple and disciple-maker.
It is my prayer that through your family, work and hobbies, your hopes, dreams and even your suffering, that you would find Jesus, just as I did - delighting in you and calling you to an adventure with Him; and that you would truly believe that He wants to use you to fulfill His Great Commission:
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20